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Online course program between SBS and York University in Canada successfully completed

Recently, the online course program offered by York University in Canada on innovative thinking, strategic management, global leadership, and enterprise project training, which attracted outstanding students from the Faculty of Business and Economics of SBS, has been successfully completed. A total of 24 students participated in this program. After training, they all said that they gained a lot from this program.

The online course program between SBS and York University in Canada offered perspectives on thinking, leadership, and strategy from the angles of North America and the globe, enabling students to gain insights into development of the evolving, competitive Canadian and global markets. By combining research, theory, and practice, the entire program aimed to cultivate confident, successful future leaders and experts.

(Online course program)

This program involved four dimensions interactive course series, online visits led by industry experts, English learning distributed in courses, online visits, and practical training projects, and online practical training projects with tutors. It not only improved students’ English proficiency in speaking, writing, and reading, but also developed their soft skills, so that students could learn to solve problems through communication, collaboration, and critical thinking and enhance their creativity and innovation.

(Completion of online course program)


Contribution: Zhang Xiaoxiao

Drawing: Zhang Xiaoxiao

Audit: Liu Bin